
What is our story

At Korecept, research fuels our expertise, driving strategic decision-making and transformative action. Through systematic inquiry, meticulous data analysis, and impact assessments, we deliver evidence-based solutions that address organizational challenges effectively. Our journey begins with comprehensive Needs Assessments, ensuring alignment with objectives and priorities.

Sequential Baseline, Midline, and Endline Assessments track progress and measure outcomes, optimizing program success. Impact Assessment is our hallmark, revealing the true transformative power of our initiatives within communities and stakeholders. At Korecept, our story is one of research-driven excellence, shaping a brighter future with every insight gained.

Needs Assessment

It is the systematic process of identifying and prioritizing organizational requirements and objectives.

Baseline/Midline/Endline Assessment:

Baseline, midline, and endline assessments are sequential evaluations conducted at key stages of program implementation to track progress, measure outcomes, and identify challenges.

Impact Assessment:

Impact assessment is a comprehensive evaluation process aimed at measuring the effectiveness and sustainability of programs, providing insights into their true impact on communities and stakeholders.

We have a state-of-the-art research, monitoring and evaluation team. We help answer hard questions that lead to important decisions. Our experience in impact evaluations allow us to test what works about public policies and programmes. The monitoring systems we develop help programme managers achieve maximum impact. Through smart, varied approaches to research and analysis, we raise the bar among competitors as we strive to improve conditions worldwide.

Drive your business decisions with the power of data

Knowing what customers think, how they behave and how they view your brand is more important that you give it credit for. And research is a powerful tool as well as a resource that helps you understand your target audience better. Traditional marketing models and strategies are being disrupted by digital technology and the changing lifestyle and consumer behaviour. You can optimize your marketing strategies and business decisions with the help of valuable date and insights that can be arrived at through research.

We conduct both qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative research includes competitive analysis, surveys and correlation-comparative research. We also explore deeper human behaviour, thought and feelings to derive valuable insights of consumer behaviour. This may include observation of online forums, sentiment analysis via social media, web survey chats or in-depth interviews

Data Capture And Surveys

We are a full-service data-driven innovation partner. Our experts capture and leverage high-quality data, both structured and unstructured, using complex surveys, administrative data, social media, the “Internet of Things,” sensor information and more. We assist clients in all sectors to collect, analyze and transform data into actionable insights and data-driven


Systematic Evidence Reviews


Research & Analysis

Methodological Resources


Evaluation Technical Assistance

What sets us apart

Integrated Methodologies:

 Our team employs both qualitative and quantitative research techniques, offering a well-rounded understanding of complex issues and enhancing the depth of insights for effective decision-making.

Advanced Data Utilization:

 Through sophisticated data capture and analysis methods encompassing diverse sources such as surveys, social media, and sensor data, we deliver actionable insights that drive impactful outcomes across sectors.

Insightful Support

With a commitment to rigorous assessment, we provide insightful analyses and actionable recommendations, empowering organizations to enhance their effectiveness and make informed decisions. Our dedicated focus on research excellence positions Korecept as the trusted partner for comprehensive insights that shape the future success of your initiatives.